Your high-net-worth client wants to protect their collection of jewelry and watches as part of their policy. Fantastic.
Underwriting likely requires a safe with some level of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certification. Your client buys a safe from one of many providers that claim, “better than UL”. What could go wrong?
Do you know that “better than UL” is just an opinion and not certified by an accredited agency? Furthermore, some safe companies claim to be UL-listed when they are not. Casoro Jewelry Safes witnessed a safe manufacturer placing a UL-listing of TL-15 on a sales contract when, in fact, it was not. None of their safes were UL-listed.
Here is how you can verify the accuracy of any safe company’s UL listing:
- Check for the UL sticker on the safe.
- Obtain certification documentation from the safe manufacturer.
- Search the UL-certified product database, iQ®, the definitive source of truth. If the safe manufacturer built the safe body, the safe manufacturer will be listed for the UL security level of your safe. If the safe manufacturer does not build the safe body, ask the safe manufacturer who does and search for that manufacturer. If the safe manufacturer nor the safe body manufacturer are listed for the UL security level of your safe, it simply isn’t UL-certified.
The Casoro Commitment:
All Casoro Jewelry Safes are UL-listed. We are proud of our longstanding partnership with American Security (AMSEC), our sole provider of UL-listed safe bodies.
Try it for yourself. Casoro’s most popular Emerald luxury jewelry safe is available in, among others, a UL TL-15 option. Search for American Security Products Co in the UL-certified product database, iQ®, and you will find the TL-15 certification.
At Casoro, we provide our certification upon request.
Navigating underwriting compliance for residential safes can be fraught with misleading information. We have been in the safe business for thirty years and are available to help you and your insured every step of the way.
Learn more about our burglar and fire ratings or contact Steven Backiel, Casoro’s insurance expert, to help you check.